Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Soon To Be Gone

 I petted the kitten. Her head was soft like a pillow and warm like a heater. Her body was shape like an adult cup. Her name was Melanie, and she was a baby kitten. She would purr, every time I rubbed her soft, warm tummy.
 Every time she wanted to sleep, she always wanted to sleep on my lap. She would sleep like a newborn kitten on my lap. Her tiny eyes all squinted up, tight, her paws stretched out. The way she sleeps is so peaceful, and adorable. A few hours later, when she wakes up, she would stretch, jump off my lap and start heading for her bowl to drink water.
  After she has been drinking and eating, she would roll a barn of yarn to me so I can play with her. Every time I throw the ball of yarn at her, she catches it and starts to purr every time she rolls it back and forth. After she's done with that, she jumps on my lap and tries to lick my face by crawling up to my chest or on the sofa. Soon enough, after were both tired, we both go to sleep. I would sleep on the sofa from my sides and Melanie would sleep right next to me. She would purr to me which I think means goodnight and I would say goodnight to her back.
 The next morning, I wake up and I find Melanie pale and weak. My mom and I take her to the vet.
"I'm afraid that Melanie is dying. I'm so sorry." The doctor says in a sad look. The doctor checks for any wounds and he finds a stab in her stomach. Now, it's dry blood.
 I thought that I heard a crashing sound last night and heard Melanie screech. But I thought it was nothing at all.
"She must have been stab with a knife. " The doctor said.
 When my mom and I got home, I put Melanie on her bed to rest. I went to eat dinner, and as I came back, I found her dead. She wasn't breathing and I checked her pulse. She was definitely dead. Tears start pouring out of my eyes.
 The next day, I took Melanie to the backyard and buried her. I said goodbye and I start to cry. Melanie was the best kitten I ever had.
 But now, that does not happen anymore. Goodbye. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Juvenile Arrest

 My father died in the army. I was only 8 years old. Seven years later, my mom married a man named, Miguel. Now he's my stepfather. 
 When I came home from school one day with my friend, Josh, we both came in and saw Miguel kissing another woman that is not my mother. The woman looks at us with wide eyes open. She tries to stop kissing Miguel. 
"Where are you going, baby? You know I love you!"
 Josh and I couldn't believe what we just heard. My mom married him, and all of a sudden I see him kissing up his lips with another woman. The woman pushes him and runs out to the door. He turns around to chase her, but he has his eyes laid on us. 
"Come over here, Miranda." he says gritting his teeth.  
"No. I'm staying right here with Josh."
I look at the corner of my eye and I see Josh smiling. Miguel walks up to us, then faster. Josh and I back away then we start to run out the door and a block from there, we get in his house. I look out the window and see Miguel head back home. It's 4:00 pm and my mom comes home at 4:30 pm so I can go home and not let Miguel hit me. At 4:20 Josh and I finished our homework and then we ate. And at 4:30 pm, I went home. 
I open the door and my mom is here because I smell food. I hear Miguel saying 'I love you' to my mom and he comes to the door to get the mail. He stops when he sees me. 
 "You worthless bastard! If my father was alive and here right now, he would've killed you already!" I said, yelling. 
He grabs my hair and pulls on it hard. My mom comes in and yells at Miguel. 
 "You could have treated your daughter better, but instead you do what other women do, be like sluts!" 
My mom gets angry and runs to the kitchen, comes out with a hot burning frying pan and hits him on the head. 
I call the cops and they take Miguel to jail, for abusing me. 
I hug my mom and she apologizes for not choosing a better man for herself. 
But I miss daddy the most.


This was the moment. I was happy to be with Michael, my first boyfriend. And I was only 16 years old.
On a Saturday morning, I received a text message from him. 'Will u go 2 da movies wit me? @ 8:00pm?'
I replied yes.
It was 6:00 pm after I walked my terrier dog, Charlie and Hanged out with my best friend, Miranda. I took a shower and put on a clean jean, a lavender t-shirt, diamond earrings and black converse. I pushed my hair back.
I asked mom if I could have 20 bucks for the movie.
 "Sure!" she said. "But, be careful out there."
 "I will! Love you, mom!"
 "Love you too, Emily."
As I put my mini-jacket on, I hear the doorbell.
 "I'll get it!" mom yells.
I hear Michael come in, but I don't hear if he's in the living room with me, or not. As I turn around, I see him close up to me. I accidentally bump into him, as I turn around.
 "I'm sorry." I say.
 "It's okay.” he says smiling. "You look beautiful with your hair out."
 "Thank you." I say, blushing.
I say goodbye to my mom and Michael and I head for his car. This was apparently, our seventh date.
"Close your eyes." he tells me as soon as I buckle myself. "Okay, open your eyes!"
I open them and I see a dozen of red roses.
 "They're beautiful!"
 "Well, I wasn't sure what to get you, but instead I bought you these."
 "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." I say in disappointment.
 "Well, you can get me something at the movies or at the carnival."
 "Were going to a carnival!"
I go up to his side and hug him and he hugs me back for a while. After that, we head to the movies.
When we get there, he doesn't tell me what movie we're going to see, so I'll have to wait and watch the movie. As the movie begins, he finally tells me.
 "We're watching the notebook."
 "I've read the book and since then, I was dying to see the movie."
 "Well, it has finally come true."
The movie begins to start and Michael and I are silent. Through the movie, Michael puts his arm on my shoulder. I look at him and he smiles. I lean my head on his shoulders and hold me up tight.
After the movie has finished, Michael and I head out and we get in the car. He drives to the carnival. He checks his watch and it's 9:50 p.m. The carnival closes at 12:00 am, so we have all the time we want. Michael buys the ticket and we head over to water - shotgun, game. He wins the first prize and he gets me a big, brown teddy bear. I was so happy, I kissed him on the lips, and he puts his arms around my waist and holds me tightly. We look at each other's eyes for a long moment.
 "This was a great day!" I say smiling.
 "I hoped you like it."
 "I love it! And also you!"
He kisses me on the cheek and we start making out. He lets go and says, "I love you, Emily!"
 "I love you too, Michael!"
 "Can you do me a favor?"
 "Don't let me go. I want you, I love you, you are the light in my heart, and you have opened my mind and now that I'm with you, don't let me go. Don't forget the beautiful memories."
 "I won't. I love you also! You have opened my heart and my mind. Your beauty, your comforts and everything else, filled me up and I don't want to let you go."
I began to cry.
 "Hey... Hey... It's okay."
He wipes the tears off my face and his hands are on my cheeks. It's so warm. Then, he begins to kiss me.
Michael and I head over to a bowling game. I roll the ball and it's 20 points, again 100 points and again, 100 points. I win and I get a big, brown doggy for Michael.
Michael buys a cotton candy for the both of us. He rips apiece off and feeds me it to my mouth and I also do the same thing to him.
After we're done, we head to the car. Michael puts his doggy in the back seat and I also place my teddy bear next to his. And the roses are in between the doggy and the teddy bear. We buckle up and drive me up in front of my house.
 "Text me tomorrow." he said.
 "I will."
 "Don't forget your roses and your teddy bear."
 "I won't."
I don't leave out of the car and I begin to cry.
 "What's wrong?" he says worried.
 "I don't want to go home, I want to be with you."
 "I know you do, but we'll see each other in school on Monday."
 "That's too long."
 "Then text me or call me."
 "I love you!"
 "I love you, too!"
I get my teddy bear and my roses. The lights are still on. I unbuckle my seat belt. I kiss Michael on the cheek. He puts both his arms on both of my shoulders. He makes out with me.
He pulls away and says,” Don’t forget this night. Our night. And don't forget the kisses."
 "And don't forget about me."
 "I won't."
 "Goodnight, baby."
We come closer and we give each other a kiss on the lips and then we hug.
I unlock the door, head out and close it. I walk up to my porch and I hear Michael drive away. I unlock the door. I don't even bother waking up my mom, since she's already sleeping on the couch. I turn off the light in the kitchen and walk up the stairs to my room. Charlie is already asleep on my bed and I lay my bear on my seat next to the computer and place my roses in a flowerpot. I fill it up with water. I take off my clothes, fold it on my bureau and put on my pajamas. I turn off the light, get on my bed, put the covers on myself and fall asleep. This was the best night.     

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hateful Memories

  Sitting alone, in a dark corner. My wrist has been bruised. Wondering, if I deserve to live or die. I get a shiver up my spine and my head hurts. My mind goes crazy and I can't straight. Then, my mind goes blank and I'm in my own world. It's all peaceful and calm.
  Then suddenly, I get a flashback of myself as a little girl, my hair is out, and I’m wearing jeans, red converse and a red and orange shirt. I was with someone. I look closely and see the person. It’s my mom. I see that were coming out of the store and a man comes up to us. He's wearing a black sweater, his hood covering his face, black jeans and black shoes. I can't see his face but I do see his hands. He has a tattoo of money and he held out his hands. I see a gun; it's silver and points it to my mom. My mom grasps for my hand and she squeezes it. I look up at the man and he looks at me with an angry look, then a smile. His teeth are yellow and dirty. I look away then look at my mom.
 "Give me all your damn money, lady,” says the man.
 "No! And get the hell away from me, you dirty man." my mommy said.
The man gets angry, grasps on mommy's shoulders.
 "Let me go!" yells my mom.
 "Mommy, Mommy!" I say crying and yelling.
 "Run baby, run!" she yells at me.
I start to run two blocks. I stop as I hear a gunshot. I turn around.
 "Jennifer!" my mom yells and she falls to the ground.
   The man takes my mommy's purse and he takes out the cash and runs away. My mom just lays down dead, not moving. She's not alive anymore and my dad is at home, which he doesn't know about this. I go home and my dad looks at me furiously and then with curiosity.
 "Where is your mother?" he says.
 "Well, um... she's dead." I say.
 "What the hell did you do!"
 "I didn't do anything. A man came and he killed mommy to steal money. Mommy told me to run and after two blocks, I hear a gunshot, I turn around and I see mommy dead on the floor and the man runs away with the cash." I say very scared.
 He yells at me and says, "Go to your room!"
  And I go.
  I was tired of my dad treating me like a dog. He doesn't get me or understands my life and what I'm going through.
  I come back to my senses. I'm still in the dark corner of my room. I've murdered my father and my mother is dead. I don't know what to do and tears flow down my cheeks.
  At the corner of my eyes, I see something red moving on the walls. I turn and look and the writing stops. As I peer closely, it says, 'shall must die. If shall not, then shall must face many troubles and consequences.' I was scared. I closed my eyes for ten seconds and open them. The writing is gone but I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see a pale small girl, her dark black girl covering her whole face. She removes the hair that is blocking her face, and her face is scary.
 "Oh God! Oh God!" I say panicking!
  Her eyes were dark black; no eyes, blood coming out of it, her nose twisted side-ways, her lips dried up like a dessert, baby spiders coming out of her eyes. She reminded me another version of the grudge, but different.